Be part of the Accelerate 2024 Conference

Vancouver • Aug 6 — 9, 2024
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Vancouver • Aug 6 — 9, 2024
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Vancouver • Aug 6 — 9, 2024
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Vancouver • Aug 6 — 9, 2024
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Vancouver • Aug 6 — 9, 2024
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Vancouver • Aug 6 — 9, 2024
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Vancouver • Aug 6 — 9, 2024
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Vancouver • Aug 6 — 9, 2024
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Vancouver • Aug 6 — 9, 2024
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Vancouver • Aug 6 — 9, 2024
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Vancouver • Aug 6 — 9, 2024
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Vancouver • Aug 6 — 9, 2024
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Vancouver • Aug 6 — 9, 2024
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Vancouver • Aug 6 — 9, 2024
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Vancouver • Aug 6 — 9, 2024
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Vancouver • Aug 6 — 9, 2024
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call for abstracts

While our call for abstracts are now closed, we invite you to explore the content tracks that make up this year's conference.

Thank you to all those who submitted abstracts this year! We were truly overwhelmed by the quantity and quality of work.

conference tracks

The conference has 3 distinct content tracks that represent key areas of focus for the Acceleration Consortium.

All accepted abstracts align with a content track, whether a general submission or a special track.

Track 1:
The Tools

Accelerating discovery with leading-edge tools such as machine learning algorithms for AI-aided experimental design, quantum-based materials simulations and characterization, chemical ontologies and materials databases, robotics and control systems for high-throughput experimentation, and more.


Track 2:
The Materials

Accelerating development of sustainable materials and molecules for a resilient world across applications such as solid-state materials for energy storage, nanoparticle formulations, soft materials for electronics, organic small molecule drugs, and more.


Track 3:
The Ecosystem

Designing ethical and equitable translation ecosystems for accelerated discovery, including commercialization, training, education, access, and more.

submission overview
How to apply and what to include in your submission

Our call for abstracts is now closed. For Accelerate 2024, we accept abstract submissions for talks, posters, and workshops. We encourage submissions from researchers at all stages of their career working in academia, industry, government, and related community organizations.  

We welcome abstracts that feature novel work related to the latest methods, applications and research translation in accelerated materials and molecular discovery, as outlined in our content tracks above.  

Abstract applications were required to include:

  • Abstract title  
  • Author(s) and affiliation  
  • Content track identification  
  • Target audience (e.g. academia, industry, government, community, etc.)  
  • Your preference to present your abstract as a talk, poster, or workshop  
  • A short description of your content
  • Abstract PDF (max 600 words and 1 optional figure)

Important dates

  • Call for abstracts: May 6, 2024, 11:59 pm EST
  • Notification of acceptance: June 3, 2024
  • Presenter confirmation of acceptance: June 14, 2024
Application guidelines
Important application guidelines to note
  • At least one author of each accepted abstract must register to the conference
  • Abstract presenters are expected to cover registration fees; however, if this would present a barrier, please contact us regarding options at
  • Where applicable, prior to submitting an abstract, please confirm with your employer/agency that participation in the conference will be supported
  • Please declare any commercial or financial interests
  • Accepted participants should be willing to present on days/at times as determined by the conference organizers
  • When indicating preference for a talk, poster, or workshop, please note that this is a preference only. Conference organizers will determine whether an abstract is assigned as an oral, poster, or workshop presentation.
  • All submissions will be evaluated based on:
    1. Relevance to conference target audience and topic streams. 2. Demonstration of evidence-based, innovative and/or emerging approaches. 3. Clarity and completeness of submission (e.g., use of plain language)